Home » 2015
  • Simple Ice Shader for Blender Cycles

    Here is my simple Ice Shader for Blender Cycles. The Node setup is very simple and easy to understand. Here is the complete Node-Setup. The first part is just a Glass BSDF Shader the Roughness is controlled by an ice texture. You can get the...
  • Create a Ghost Photo in Photoshop

    This Tutorial is a kind of a romantic one. Create a Ghost Photo in Photoshop by using some really simple technics.You will learn how to remove a person of a Photo and put back as Ghost to create a sad but romantic Photocomposition.   Heres...
  • Tilt-Shift Effect Photoshop Tutorial

    The Tilt-Shift Effect Photoshop Tutorial will show you how to create the Tilt/Shift Effect to simulate a miniature Scene. I show you two Methods. The first is the traditional version and the second the Tilt-Shift Effect of the Blur Gallery which is implemented in the...
  • Selective Color Grading in Photoshop

    This Tutorial is about Selective Color Grading in Photoshop. With this techique it is possible to create an amazing saturated look. If you want see more of my Tutorials visit and subscribe to my Youtube Channel

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